How to Plan for a Pandemic
Health officials worldwide are monitoring a respiratory illness outbreak caused by a new coronavirus named COVID-19. Fairview has a plan for monitoring and responding to this potential pandemic and we encourage your firm to do the same.
Below are important resources and information regarding pandemic response measures:
- Response Planning: Gather a response plan and policy to address a potential pandemic.
- Monitoring: Establish an in-house Response Team, comprised of key employees, responsible for monitoring information on COVID-19; these individuals should communicate relevant updates to members of the firm as needed.
- Travel:
- If members of your firm travel out of state, especially to high-risk areas, consider requesting they work remotely until it is clear they are not affected by the virus
- Monitor travel restrictions.
- Minimizing Potential Impact:
- Ensure that you maintain a clean office space and wash hands frequently.
- Employees who feel sick should stay home.
- Establish a plan in case your firm experiences higher than usual absenteeism.
For more in-depth information regarding COVID-19 and how it may affect where you reside, please reference the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.