

Nine Things to Notice: SEC Examiners’ Focus Areas

Nine Things to Notice: SEC Examiners’ Focus Areas WHAT HAPPENED? As capital markets shift and the risks to market participants change, so do the focus areas of routine SEC exams. Below are trending items from recent examinations: KEY FOCUS POINTS: Environmental, social, and governance [...]

LIBOR Transition Compliance Risks

LIBOR Transition Compliance Risks WHAT HAPPENED? On June 18, 2020, the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (OCIE) announced an exam initiative and issued a subsequent Risk Alert about LIBOR transition preparedness. LIBOR, formerly known as the London Interbank Offered Rate, [...]

Value of the GIPS® Standards

Value of the GIPS® Standards The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are a voluntary set of principles based on fair representation and full disclosure. There are many benefits of being complaint with the standards and having the claim of compliance verified by an independent verifier. See what the GIPS standards can do [...]

By | 2022-12-20T09:39:22-05:00 Jun 25th, 2020|Compliance, GIPS®, News|

Look for Fairview at the NSCP National Conference

Look for Fairview at the NSCP National Conference On Oct. 19-21, 2020, the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP) will hold its annual national conference virtually. In addition to sponsoring the event, Fairview’s Vice President and General Counsel, Amber Allen, will lend her expertise to the conference, speaking on “Evolving [...]

By | 2022-12-19T11:16:31-05:00 Jun 19th, 2020|News|

Updates to GIPS® Reports in Response COVID-19

Updates to GIPS Reports in Response COVID-19 Firms claiming compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are required to submit an annual GIPS Report for distribution to prospective clients and investors. However, CFA Institute recommends updating the report on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. Many firms include annual time-weighted returns [...]

By | 2022-12-20T09:37:33-05:00 May 28th, 2020|Compliance, GIPS®, News|

Reminder: Annual GIPS® Notification Renewal Due June 30, 2020

Reminder: Annual GIPS® Notification Renewal Due June 30, 2020 Firms and asset owners claiming compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are required to notify CFA Institute of their claim of compliance annually by June 30. The required information is minimal, including: firm or asset owner name; primary and secondary [...]

By | 2022-12-19T14:18:01-05:00 May 13th, 2020|Compliance, GIPS®, News|

How GIPS® Compliance Can Help Grow AUM

How GIPS® Compliance Can Help Grow AUM The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are voluntary ethical standards for calculating and presenting investment performance based on the principles of fair representation and full disclosure. One of the main reasons why firms choose to comply with the GIPS standards is to gain a [...]

By | 2022-07-12T15:03:11-04:00 Apr 14th, 2020|Compliance, GIPS®, News|

CFA Institute’s Online Resources for Firms Claiming Compliance with the 2020 GIPS® Standards

CFA Institute’s Online Resources for Firms Claiming Compliance with the 2020 GIPS® Standards CFA Institute’s website has a great list of resources for firms claiming compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). Most items relate to the 2020 edition of the GIPS Standards that was released on June 30, 2019. [...]

By | 2022-12-19T13:51:46-05:00 Mar 30th, 2020|Compliance, GIPS®, News|

How to Plan for a Pandemic

How to Plan for a Pandemic WHAT HAPPENED? Health officials worldwide are monitoring a respiratory illness outbreak caused by a new coronavirus named COVID-19. Fairview has a plan for monitoring and responding to this potential pandemic and we encourage your firm to do the same. [...]

By | 2022-12-19T10:54:58-05:00 Mar 4th, 2020|News|